Center for Excellence and Equity in Teacher Preparation
About the Center for Excellence and Equity in Teacher Preparation
At the Center for Excellence and Equity in Teacher Preparation (CEETP), we strive to prepare professionals who will develop the competencies, dispositions, leadership skills, and advocacy skills to become effective educators committed to improving the lives of individuals in a global society by ensuring that all children have access to high-quality, skillful teaching and learning. Our students will graduate knowing they have been prepared to be good on day one and great over time.
The mission of the Center for Excellence and Equity in Teacher Preparation is to:
- Prepare pre-service and in-service educators to serve as professionals who:
- Use evidence-based research and high leverage practices to improve teaching and learning
- Use high quality materials and practices to support diverse learners in diverse settings
- Advocate for historically under-served populations toward the goal of disrupting inequities
- Promote the social-emotional development and well-being of learners of all ages
- Promote pathways to teaching for students from diverse backgrounds
- Ensure future educators are placed with high quality mentors in schools that embody strong grade level instruction, deep engagement in learning, and high expectations for students to meet grade level standards
- Support, sustain, and retain students of color as they navigate teacher preparation programs
- Support LEAs in practices focused on retention of high quality teachers in high-need subject areas and schools
- Provide continued instructional support from IHEs and LEAs throughout a teacher’s lifespan
The Center for Excellence and Equity in Teacher Preparation (CEETP) provides support and services for students and faculty in the University of Delaware’s undergraduate and graduate education programs, as well as our Alternative Routes to Certification Program across campus. These services are offered in the Office of Certification and Accreditation, the Office of Clinical Studies and the Alternate Routes of Certification Program.

Office of Clinical Studies
The Office of Clinical Studies (OCS) within the Center for Excellence and Equity in Teacher Preparation secures field placements for UD teacher candidates and supports faculty, staff, clinical educators, and school administrators who work with teacher candidates in the field. Through all of our interactions, we emphasize our mutual goal of preparing the next generation of teachers while enhancing the experience of the children and youth served in the sites within which we work.

Office of Certification and Accreditation
The Office of Certification and Accreditation within the Center for Excellence and Equity in Teacher Preparation provides support services for students, faculty, and alumni from the educator preparation programs at UD. The staff help individuals learn about the certification requirements in various states and provide students with the institutional recommendation for certification. The staff also work closely with program coordinators on the recognition of their program by national specialty program associations and on the national accreditation of all educator preparation programs at UD.

Alternative Routes to Certification
Alternative Routes to Certification (ARTC) offers an alternative to the traditional route to teacher certification in Delaware. Through ARTC, qualified individuals complete certification requirements while they are employed as full-time teachers, through a state-approved program of professional education coursework, accompanied by intensive, school-based supervision and mentoring in lieu of student teaching.