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Center for Excellence and Equity in Teacher Preparation

Janine de Novais speaks with students in her racial literacy class

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion:
An Inventory of Research & Practice

 The Purpose of the Inventory

Welcome to the College of Education & Human Development’s Inventory of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives. The inventory is a comprehensive and searchable online database of the various projects, curricular innovations, collaborations, research, and events designed to advance diversity, equity and inclusion within our teacher preparation programs.

The purpose of the inventory is threefold: to highlight and celebrate the DEI initiatives currently taking place within our teacher preparation programs, to publicize and increase awareness of the DEI initiatives in order to attract and engage prospective students, faculty, and staff who can contribute to the diversity of the University of Delaware community, and to facilitate partnerships between current and future faculty members as they discover aligned interests.

The College of Education and Human Development is committed to attracting, inviting, and engaging a diverse student and faculty community that prioritizes integrity, inclusivity, and respect for all individuals, regardless of any category protected by state and/or federal law, including, but not limited to, race, color, national origin, sex, age, and/or disability. Our vision is to have diverse and motivated students and faculty that lead in solving critical educational problems. While there is plenty of progress to be made and we are working toward it, we do invite you to explore our DEI Inventory and DEI work in our teaching, clinical work, and research.

Complete List of All DEI Projects

Diversity News & Highlighted Projects

Two students in the Teachers of Tomorrow Pipeline Program
Increasing Diversity In Teacher Ed Programs

Delaware high school students, primarily from underrepresented backgrounds, have been attending classes and mentoring sessions on UD’s campus as part of a UNIDEL-funded program designed to encourage diverse populations to major in teacher education.

An elementary class at Warner Elementary poses for a group photo with a community police officer
UD Partnership Supports Culturally Responsive Pedagogy

Associate professor Elizabeth Soslau has partnered with nonprofit Need In Deed to support teachers at Warner Elementary School as they learn how to incorporate culturally responsive pedagogy into their classrooms.

Doctoral student Kendell Daughtry
Doctoral Student’s Research Explores Colorblind Attitudes

The notion of colorblindness may sound good in theory, but research by Human Development & Family Sciences doctoral student Kendell Daughtry shows that these attitudes can perpetuate racism.

CEHD Diversity Resources

CEHD Chief Diversity Advocate

Carol Wong
Assistant Professor
School of Education

103D Willard Hall | 302-831-1663 | cawong@udel.edu

Equity Committee

Lauren Bailes
Assistant Professor
School of Education

219C Willard Hall | 302-831-4780 | lbailes@udel.edu

Equity Committee

Bridget Duda
Clinical Coordinator
School of Education

133D Willard Hall | 302-831-8695 | bduda@udel.edu

Frequently Asked Questions

“The university of Delaware defines diversity as the recognition and appreciation of the different backgrounds, values, and ideas of those who comprise our campus, as well as a commitment to ensuring that all people on our campus are treated according to principles of fairness, civility, dignity, and equity. The University of Delaware’s educational mission is to prepare students to live in an increasingly interconnected and diverse world. To do so, we are committed to fostering a robust educational environment that supports critical thinking, free inquiry, and an understanding of diverse views and values. We see diversity as a core value and guiding principle for our educational mission and thus must work to make diversity an integral part of everyday life on campus. We are committed to building an educational community that understands people from different backgrounds and economic circumstances, with different needs, and from diverse personal and philosophical beliefs. We want to make all people who are part of the University feel welcome and valued in campus life” (Retrieved from https://sites.udel.edu/diversity/).

A Diversity, Equity and Inclusion project or study is one that is aimed at improving the coordination, planning, and visibility of activities, programs, research, systems, support services, curricular innovations, or events related to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

The purpose of the inventory is threefold: to highlight and celebrate the DEI initiatives currently taking place within our teacher preparation programs, to publicize and increase awareness of the DEI initiatives in order to attract and engage prospective students, faculty, and staff from diverse backgrounds, and to facilitate partnerships between current and future faculty members as they discover aligned interests.

The inventory is a comprehensive and searchable online database of the various projects, curricular innovations, collaborations, research, and events designed to advance diversity, equity and inclusion within our teacher preparation programs.

University of Delaware faculty and staff who are working on current projects or research studies related to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion can submit their projects, update their projects, or submit a project report.

Contact Us

For additional questions about the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Inventory, please contact:

Krissy Najera

Director, Center for Excellence and Equity in Teacher Preparation

200 Academy Street, Room 102
(302) 831-3562