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Center for Excellence and Equity in Teacher Preparation

Teachers of Tomorrow Pipeline Program

“I am impressed at how many opportunities are provided at UD, for example with the 4 + 1 program to get more and better education to be a teacher, I think that is a very great opportunity to take.”

-Teachers of Tomorrow Student

Program Requirements

This program is open to rising 11th and 12th grade students who:

  • are Delaware residents
  • are interested in becoming teachers
  • are able to attend the full two weeks of the Summer Institute
  • identify with one of more of the following groups: underrepresented minority group, low-income, males interested in early childhood and/or elementary education

NOTE: A student may identify with more than one of these groups. While the program is focused on students in these groups, we will consider applications from any interested and qualified student.

Application Process

To apply for this program you will need the following information:

  • Completed online application
  • An unofficial high school transcript to upload (from 9th grade to present)
  • The name and email address from a recommender
  • Four short answer responses
  • A list of your activities or resume

The short answer responses should answer the following questions:

  1. Why are you interested in a career in teaching?
  2. Why do you want to be part of this program?
  3. How do you identify with the eligibility criteria for this program? (see above for eligibility criteria)
  4. Describe a specific moment when you helped someone learn something new. What was the challenge, and how did you approach it?

Our goal is to attract a more diverse population of students to the field of education.

2025 Program Timeline

January 6 – Release Application

March 10 – Application Deadline

March 27 – April 4 – Student Interviews* (by Invitation only)

April 18 – Application Decisions are Sent via Email

May 9 – Deadline to Accept Program Invitation

June 15 – Summer Institute Begins

June 27 – Summer Institute Ends

*NOTE: Upon review of all completed applications, we will invite select candidates for an online interview in late-March to early-April.