Center for Excellence and Equity in Teacher Preparation

The Center for Excellence and Equity in Teacher Preparation (CEETP) provides support services for students and faculty through the Office of Certification and Accreditation, the Office of Clinical Studies, and the Alternate Routes to Certification program. The University Council for Teacher Education is another university-wide body that supports educator preparation programs.
- The Office of Certification and Accreditation provides current information about educator certification requirements for students and faculty and compiles information required to ensure the continued state approval and national accreditation of all educator preparation programs.
- The Office of Clinical Studies works with faculty and school districts to secure early field experience placements and student teaching placements for teacher candidates. The office also ensures that candidates have completed their clearances to enter the field
- The Alternative Routes to Certification (ARTC) program allows qualified individuals complete certification requirements while they are employed as full-time teachers, though a state-approved program.
- The University Council for Teacher Education (UCTE), a university-wide governing body, has the primary organizing, coordinating, and unifying responsibility for the preparation of teachers and other professional education personnel.